Thursday, December 13, 2007
Posted by Emily at 8:49 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Jason and I have found that some of the strangest things will make Quinn laugh. The other night Jason was putting a pen between his eyes and letting it fall to the floor and Quinn was cracking up! There is no sweeter sound than that of a child laughing!
Posted by Emily at 6:17 PM 8 comments
Holiday Cheer
It was the day after Thanksgiving and our tree was up and our wreath was out on the front door and I was feeling fantastic. (Jason gave me the prize for biggest wreath in the neighborhood) I put on a Christmas CD that Saturday and decided I would spend all day decorating for Christmas! Then I remembered....I do not have any Christmas decorations! I dug out some really old stuff and decided that this year I would look around and actually buy some festive decorations. I do not even have a Nativity Scene. It just feels more like Christmas this year because I am not working full time and stressing out about Christmas shopping. (only have 2 more people to buy for!) So for anyone that may be in the same position that I am, I have found some pretty cool stores out there with some great Christmas decor. 1) STAR - it is right off the 101 and Shea Blvd. in Scottsdale, in the Fry's shopping center. Apparently they are going out of business at the end of January so everything must go type thing. But they have more ornaments, ribbon, candles, nutcrackers, trees, than you could imagine. 2) Kirkland's. I now prefer to go to the one in the Mesa Riverview. 202 and Dobson. It is a much bigger store than the one in Chandler or the one off Val Vista. They were having 10% off all their Christmas items, but I think that may be over. 3) Razmataz. I usually go to the one in Scottsdale because it is by my mom's house. They have the cutest stuff, for really cheap prices. I have bought more than a few things there.
So is it bad to spend more money on Christmas decor than on actual Christmas presents? (Don't tell my husband!) :)
Posted by Emily at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Back in the Saddle
It has been too long since my last post. After taking care of a houseful of sickies, (Quinn, Jason and I all got the flu!) I am left to take care of my miserable pregnant self. For some reason I am much sicker this time around and have not felt up to much of anything. So here is a little catch up.
Our Little Stinker
We went to a Trunk-R-Treat with Grandma and Grandpa Scanlan, but it was so hot that night that we did not put Quinn in his costume. He had the thing on for a total of 5 minutes on Halloween night when Grammie Williams came over. (waste of money??? I hear hand me down....)
Shannon came out for 5 days and it was so much fun. On the days I felt up to it, we went out to eat, shopped and laughed. It is so fun to shop with Shannon because she has the "eye". She can see something on the rack and visualize how cute it is on! We checked out the San Tan mall one day and hit a few our our favorite stores. Forever 21, American Eagle, and Charlotee Russe. (We call them our disposable clothes stores) You pay $10 for a shirt you can probably wear 5 times and then it is time to throw it out. We also hit the new Kirkland's at the Mesa Riverview and found somethings for the house. (as soon as Jason hangs them up, I will take some pictures!)
My new calling is Enrichment guru. WHAT?!?! Anyone who knows me knows that I am not that crafty nor creative when it comes to that sort of stuff. BUT, I helped with the Super Saturday and even made 2 crafts. Sometimes I wonder with all the crafts and super Saturdays that this church does, what some of these womens houses must look like. There were some avid crafty ladies there going bonkers! It was a bit much for my sick pregnant self, but I managed to survive!
Posted by Emily at 8:13 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I Pee'd on a Stick
Posted by Emily at 8:27 AM 7 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
Everday is Earth Day
Did you hear that Al Gore won the Nobel Peace prize for his work on "An Inconvenient Truth"? (along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.) Hats off to Al for caring about the environment, the world and global warming. I have seen the movie just once, but it moved me to do better. I learned a lot and in simple terms the message of the movie was: Carbon dioxide and other gases are warming the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere and temperatures are rising. Droughts and heat waves will happen more often. Glaciers are melting and severe storms are increasing. Global warming is real and it has been caused by our actions, not by some natural occurence.
Since watching the movie, I have vowed to do better. Recycling comes to mind as our city offers a "Recyclables" bin and picks it up every Saturday morning. I keep telling my husband that "everyday is earth day." I am sure that he is tired of hearing it as I drive off in in my SUV, but I really am trying to make a difference. The topic came up at family dinner the other night and it was nice to hear that all the family is really trying to do their part to recycle. It is so easy to throw that water bottle in the recyclables along with paper, plastic, aluminum, and cardboard. So this is my 2 cents, please help where you can. Below are some simple and very do-able tips how all of us can help save the earth.
1. Replace a lightbulb with a flourescent lighbulb.
2. Walk, Bike, Carpool if you can
3. Recycle!
4. Keep your tires inflated properly (it can save you money on gas!)
5. Use less hot water (it takes energy to heat that stuff up!)
6. Cut down on your garbage and packaging
7. Turn up thermostat by 2 degrees in summer and down 2 degrees in the winter (except if you are pregnant!) :)
8. Plant a tree
9. Turn off your electronic devices when you are not using them.
10. And of course, spread the word!
Posted by Emily at 4:00 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Daddy's Boy
Posted by Emily at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Hot Stuff
This is our latest purchase from Craig's List. It is a hook on the counter/table high chair and I found it for $10!(normally $50 in the store). Did you hear that Zack? This was bought from Craig's List for $10! :) I had to post some pics because Quinn thinks he is such hot stuff in it. I think that he thinks he is a big kid. We took the chair to Grandma's last Sunday for dinner and it was great! Jason and I could eat without him in our lap and trying to grab our food. He was showing it off all night long!
Posted by Emily at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Moment on the Lips....
They are the best sugar cookies ever! If you can't tell by the photo, they are thick thick thick! I gave 2 of them to my mom and hopefully Jason will eat 2, so that will only leave me with 2! Every once in a while it feels good to indulge!
Posted by Emily at 8:40 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Free Popcorn!
Posted by Emily at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Posted by Emily at 9:02 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
This is my sister Shannon. She is holding Quinn on his 2nd day out of the womb. I have been thinking about her a lot. Everyone should be so lucky to have a sister like mine. I start by saying that she has many talents and gifts and I often find myself wondering why I didn't get many of the same gifts. Afterall, we are from the same gene pool and grew up the very same way. I can play soccer. She can cook, decorate any room in the house, organize, remodel a kitchen, keep 3 boys (should I say 4, including her husband) busy and happy, research, plan vacations, sell things on CraigsList, know the fastest way to do something, train a seeing eye dog, and in her spare time paint, make dinners for friends, volunteer at the school, ride her beach cruiser, download music and still have time too keep up with SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. I find that now I am married and have a 7 month old child,playing soccer well does me absolutley no good. I am in much need of Shannon's gifts/talents. I often call on Shannon for decorating ideas, recipes, organizatinal tips and the advice of a seasoned mother. She was there when Quinn was born and she helped me learn how to feed him, learn how to put him on a schedule. She cooked, she cleaned, she washed bottles, and she loved Quinn. It was one of those times that you are deeply grateful that you have a sister. Shannon, my sister. No, you can't have her. She is mine.
Posted by Emily at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Ode to BJ
Today is the 3rd Anniversary of BJ's passing. It still seems like just yesterday we were harassing our college professors and whining about our love lives to one another. BJ was one of my best friends. I loved him like a brother and trusted him with my life. My husband and I were on of the last few people to talk to BJ. I cherish that phone call and wish that I had known it was going to be the last. BJ suffered from epilepsy and on a Sunday afternoon retreated to his bedroom to have some time alone. We think he had a seizure and just could not recover. He is sorely missed. His sense of humor is what I miss the most. He could make me laugh until I was crying. He was a passionate person and loved his sports teams! I have never seen anyone be such a die hard Golden State Warrior fan even when they had the worst record in the NBA. He also loved the Oakland A's. BJ was gifted with music. He loved to play guitar and throughout his life was in severla bands. Woodeye was probably the most remembered.
I miss and love him. I want him to know that he is definitely NOT forgotten!
Posted by Emily at 8:53 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
I have come across an exercise piece of equipment that has been a life saver for me, a stay at home mom. It was introduced to me by my sister-in-law who saw it in PEOPLE magazine from Kell Ripa. (does she have an awesome body or what??) It is called the JumpSnap! It is a ropeless jump rope that you can do at home, traveling, outside, anywhere you feel the need to burn some calories.
Kelly Ripa says she takes it with her whenever she travels and it really helps her stay in shape. I love it because I can do it while the baby sleeps and I do not have to go anywhere. I can put on my I-Pod and start Jumping!! At first I could barely get through a beginner workout and now I am doing the 12 minute workout and burning 275 calories! How great is that!?! (Did I mention it was only for 12 Minutes?!?! TWELVE! 275 Calories!!) The handles on the Jump snap show how long you have been jumping, how many calories you have burned, and how many rotations you have completed.
As we are trying to have Baby #2, I want to get down to a reasonable weight before I get pregnant again. It seems to consume me. The JumpSnap makes it so easy to exercise everyday. If you need another little exercise to add to your routine, check out their website.
Luckily I will also be starting soccer again in 5 days. I can't wait!!!
Posted by Emily at 9:55 AM 5 comments
Monday, September 3, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Blogging? huh?
I guess having a BLOG is a big thing nowadays. I have never done anything like this and am not sure where to begin. This will all be experimental for a while until I figure out what I really want people to know!
So to begin, this is a picture of our son Quinn. Jason and I waited a long time for him to get here, and we are so excited to have him. He has changed our lives, for the good of course! He is now 6 months old. Being a first time parent at 33 is a lot different than I thought it would be. (more to come on that, I am sure)
Posted by Emily at 10:03 PM 2 comments
Labels: Beginners Blog