I cannot remember the last time that I went on a date with my husband. In all honesty, it could have been last year. So, tonight we head off to see a movie! As dumb as it sounds, I am excited! And this weekend also holds other exciting events as my sister is coming into town again! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
El Doctor
Today was my 6 week checkup with my OB. Not sure if I should even blog about this, but I feel like it is good therapy to write about it. The whole drive over there I was fine. I even managed to get in the door and signed in. And then I waited. And waited. And waited. Tears came to my eyes as I thought about the last time I was in that waiting room. I was 6 1/2 months pregnant. I was there for a routine checkup. Today I was there to make sure I was healing. The tears kept coming as they led me back to be weighed and have my blood pressure taken. "how are you?" Numb. I am numb. Then I waited in the exact same room where I heard those daunting words "I cannot hear the baby's heart." Today I sat there, numb. My husband walked in and gave me a big hug. (only a few minutes late) Then entered the doctor. "how are you?" Numb. Do you ever really wrap your mind around what happened? The doctor seemed a bit down today also. As he checked on my healing (physically) he was searching for words of comfort, even 6 weeks later. He kept saying that I would never get over this, that only time will lessen the pain. I laid there, numb. I didn't really respond or say anything. I knew that he felt horrible and I knew that he knew I felt horrible. The doctor became speechless at times and it was then that I knew this was hard on him, as it was on me. Bless his heart, he would have done anything to save that baby. But some things are just meant to be......
My feelings of course led me to Jessica's resting place, Queen of Heaven Cemetery. I walked over to her spot and said hello. I like to imagine her dancing, skipping and singing in heaven. She is happy, oh so happy to be there. So I will keep her in my heart, skipping, dancing, and singing.
Posted by Emily at 2:38 PM 9 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Celeb Sightings
So Ben had a marvelous idea to share all the Celebrity Sightings in our lives! I am a total Celeb junkie and always know the latest and greatest. So this little post suits me! Please share your celeb sightings, or leave me a comment. I love when people have seen or talked to "A" List celebs! Tara Reid - saw her in NYC walking the streets with some randon guy

Posted by Emily at 4:38 PM 11 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
Farewell to my Aussie Idol
Yes, I watch American Idol religiously. And last night I was shocked when my little Aussie boyfriend was sent packing. Although I did not think that he was going to win the show, I did not think that he would be kicked off so soon! He has a great voice and that accent doesn't hurt him any either. My husband likes his voice but cannot stand the way he moves on stage. I really thought Kristy Lee would be gone. It seems like Kristy Lee is this years Sanjaya. GET HER OFF! I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for Sanjaya to be kicked off last year, and I feel that way with Kristy Lee. Will it be this week? (there is still time to put in your American Idol predictions if you visit Wendy's blog......prizes?!) My favorite is still David Cook. With David Archuletta and Sayesha coming in 2nd and 3rd. And by the way, did anyone else think Paula was practically naked on Tuesday night?!? Hello! Put those things away. Nobody wants to see those!
Posted by Emily at 9:51 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Just for the Taste of It
Posted by Emily at 9:45 AM 4 comments
Free Breakfast

Posted by Emily at 9:35 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Posted by Emily at 9:34 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Posted by Emily at 9:07 AM 0 comments