What a wonderful surprise we had when we went to the hospital today.....Shannon (sister) and I went to give Lucy her 11am feeding and the doctor said we could take her home!! Lucy has been in the NICU for 11 days and it was so unexpected that Shan and I both started crying. The nurses were chuckling by our reaction, but touched. I told them it had been a long hard road and finally, this was the day I had been waiting for!! So Jason came up from work with her carseat and clothes and we brought Miss Lucy home. Woohoo!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Lucy Comes Home!
Posted by Emily at 2:21 PM 14 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Making Her Debut / The Whole Story
Introducing Lucy Jane Scanlan. Born February 7, 2009. She weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz and was 19.5 inches long.
Jason and I were watching the Super Bowl and right at kickoff I told him we must go to the hospital. It was time!! We checked in and contractions were every 3 minutes apart and painful! The hospital called my doctor and he told them to give me meds to stop the contractions. It wasn't time. After 6 days in the hospital, being pumped full of magnesium sulfate, the doctor fianlly said it WAS time. I had a C-Section at 10 am on Saturday morning. Although Lucy was born 4 weeks premature, I had good feelings that everything was going to be fine.
I celebrated my birthday in the hospital. (even though I got my present the day before) My mom and dad came down and had cookies and presents. They even sang me "Happy Birthday!" Jason's parents also came down to wish me a Happy Birthday. Although I was in the hospital, it was a definite memorable birthday. Today Lucy is still in the NICU, but her "problems" are non-life threatening and I know she will be home shortly. I go to the hospital everyday to see her and everyday she is getting better and better. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us, sent us good thoughts and even visited. My stay at the hospital was tough on me mentally, so thanks to the visitors who kept my spirits up and kept me company. It all meant so much to me. (more on this to follow)
Posted by Emily at 12:56 PM 18 comments