
We've come a LONG way babe! It has been 5 years since these 2 hotties got married! Happy Anniversary Jason! I love you!!!
It's as simple as something that nobody knows that his eyes are as big as his bubbly toes
Posted by Emily at 1:17 PM 14 comments
On April 13 my dad took me on a date to the Sun's game. I can't think of a better date. (hint hint babe) I have always had a special place in my heart for basketball. For those that know my brothers, they both played basketball all growing up and I attended a lot of their games. Ben and Rob both played at the college level and I always made it a point to be the loudest cheerleader for each. I have watched many a game and have come to love the sport. I LOVE to watch professional games. I have always had a huge crush on David Robinson (San Antonio Spurs), and after he retired I needed a new man to watch on the court. After years of searching, Amare Stoudemire was the clear standout. He was here locally (Phoenix Suns) so I could see him all the time on TV and he was soooooo fun to watch! (and those biceps aren't too hard on the eyes either) So I have had this crush on Amare for a couple of years so you can imagine my disappointment when he had to have eye surgery and would be out for this game and the rest of the season. ( I had secret hopes that he would still be at the game, just not dressed) But no such luck! It had been over 2 years since my last Suns game and I was sad he was not there. But here are a few of the Suns that I did see! (Did I mention that our seats were first row of the not padded seats and right next to the tunnel where the Suns come running out?!) It was awesome! I felt like a little girl waiting for the Beatles to come on stage or something. I kept looking at my dad to see if I was embaressing him, but he took it all in stride. Most of the pictures are blurry because these guys are always in motion and I do not have a killer camera!
Posted by Emily at 2:30 PM 6 comments
Shannon, my sister, and her family made the long drive from Northern California to come see us, mom and dad, and be here for Lucy's blessing. It was so great having them here. Shannon has 3 boys and the younger 2 would play with and entertain Quinn! And he loved it! It was so fun to have them come out because the last few times my sister has come out I have either been on bedrest, in the hospital or recovering from a C Section. I couldn't do a dang thing! So finally when she came we could actually hang out together and do some things! I didn't take a ton of photos, but here are a few:
Me and Shannon, and yes, my boobs are real....real huge that is!! I like to call myself the Dairy Queen!
Posted by Emily at 3:24 PM 3 comments
Grandma and Grammie doting on Lucy!
Posted by Emily at 7:15 PM 5 comments
The annual Easter Egg Hunt was another success at Grandma and Grandpa Scanlans! Even though it rained and the 'hunt" was indoors, none of the kiddos seem to have minded. Quinn had a blast and I thoroughly enjoyed the delicious breakfast that was served. So good that I didn't eat lunch that day.
These were all the grandkids that participated....we were missing Bailey, Ellie, Lucy, Julien, Lauren and Maude!!
Posted by Emily at 9:09 PM 0 comments
I took both kids to the doctor today. Last time we saw Dr. Jones, Lucy was a little peanut and at 25% on height and weight. I gathered she had put on a pound or 2 since we saw him last.....But oh no! My chunky monkey had put on 4 pounds! She is now a stellar 11 pound girl and 80% for height and 75% for weight! I should have known by those cheeks! Yum! Yum! Quinn is still going strong at 95% for height, 95% for weight and 97% for head circumference! (its to hold that big brain of his!)
Posted by Emily at 2:57 PM 9 comments
My favorite thing about this video is that Jason is still in his work clothes! What a great dad! No rest for the weary.
Posted by Emily at 6:59 PM 6 comments