The Self Feed is a double edged sword to me. Lucy is now 15 months old and definitely showing some interest in feeding herself. But I can't decide which is worse. Sitting there feeding her, or cleaning her up after she feeds herself. I love that the self feed gives the child a bit of independence. I love that the self feed lets me have my hands free. But I hate the self feed when there is food EVERYWHERE!! Yes, I realize being a mom is cleaning up messes. But honestly, it is no fun trying to get yogurt out of ears, hair and clothes! And then to see how filthy the actual high chair is after a self feed makes me want to feed her myself. Anyways, with that said, here are some pics of Lucy's very 1st self feed. (she stole this yogurt off the table when mama wasn't looking!! I put her up in the high chair and let her go to town!)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Self Feed
Posted by Emily at 2:13 PM 3 comments
Nothing to do on a Sunday Afternoon
Starring: Quinn Scanlan as the Puller
Lucy Scanlan as the Pullee
Quinn's Wardrobe provided by: Underroos
Lucy's Wardrobe provided by: Pampers
Posted by Emily at 2:06 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
All the Scanlan's
What do you do when ALL the Scanlan's are finally together? Take a family photo, ofcourse! Lucy Jane (13 months)



Posted by Emily at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 6, 2010
When You Have No Money....
When you have no money, you start trying to get creative and make your own gifts. I had to attend a baby shower and really didn't have a lot to spend! So thanks to my amazing, talented friend Brittany who had this great idea to embellish onesies. I totally stole the idea and it was a hit! I think my friend appreciated the onsies even more since they were "homemade". It was kinda nice. :) My friend is naming her baby guy "HUDSON". Hence, the big H on the first onesie.
Posted by Emily at 7:42 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Just Because
I spend a lot of afternoons outside. Lucy is awake from her nap, and Quinn just loves the outdoors. We go for walks, go to get the mail, go to the park, play in the backyard. I like it because it gives me time to think. Quinn is usually driving his blue truck around while I push Lucy in the stroller, or he is pushing Lucy while I stroll at my own pace. Either way, no kid is hanging on me begging for attention. I can feel good about the fact that we are together, while still being able to think.
I think about everything.
How long will it take me to fold all that laundry?
Lovin these kids!
It is getting warmer
I wish my arms looked like Rachel Freemans
Quinn's hair looks so blonde in the sunlight
Is Jess watching us?
Did the neighbor have her baby yet?
What should we do this weekend?
What can I do to earn some money?
And as soon as the outdoor time is coming to an end, I always have the same thought. "Please don't get any bigger." I love Quinn as a 3 year old and Lucy as a 1 year old. They are fun and crazy and make me laugh. I have hard days too, and from what I hear, toddler years can be some of the toughest. But I sure love the life we have right now. I love that we can all be together outside and not have to say a word, and yet we are all entertained. I love our outside time together, just because.
Posted by Emily at 8:11 PM 0 comments