It is a girl! We went to the ultra sound yesterday and all along I have had the feeling that it is a girl. It was exciting and frightening all at the same time. I am used to the boy stuff. I am used to the banging and hitting and mischievious things boys do.....and now we are going to have a girl! Nail polish, makeup, dress up, mood swings, ribbons, princesses, ballet...it is all a little scary to me. BUT, I could not be more excited! Crazy?!?! This little girl definitely got the Williams lip, but I think it is so cute, I had them take a picture! We have not decided on a name, so any suggestions would help!

This is my Quinn boy. Every morning we go walking with a friend. Even though it is only 45 degrees out in the mornings, I feel as though I am must bundle him up! He is a good sport and enjoys his mornings out with mom. He talks the whole time and although I can't understand him yet, I am sure he will have plenty to say! He always makes sure to kick his blanket off so he can hang one leg out the side of his stroller.
He likes to chill. It is hard to believe that next month he will be a year old!!!!
Yeah!! Congrats on the girl news! I'm so excited for you. I would love to have a girl for our next one. Quinn is so adorable in that picture. I'm waiting for your call. Come over whenever you want!!
Congrats to you on pink #2. no reason to hold back on shopping now.
BTW, my college roommate (who is 20 wks preg.), just called me because she had to go in for emergency appendectomy--isn't that what happened to you? That does not sound like fun. At least you know it can't happen again.
Oh yeah, and I should have known that you, of all people, would appreciate my son packing his soccer trophy.
yay! congrats!
I love girl names. I love the whole naming thing. We never could settle on a name until after the baby was born, but I still love coming up with millions of names and trying them out.
I love the name Quinn so I can't wait to see who comes next!
you had your appendix out while you were pregnant?!? that's crappy.
Congratulations on the girl! That'll be fun to have one of each. I love the lip in the picture and I think you're right it does look like a Williams lip.
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