Friday, July 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The whole Scanlan crew went up to Show Low for the weekend. We stayed in Jason's boss' cabin. The place is out of site! This is our 2nd trip staying at the cabin and it is like staying at a 4 star resort. It is equipped with 5 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, theatre room, game room, playground, fire pit, trampoline, hot tub, hammock, quads, razors, and tons of fun! Unfortunately, the first night we were there Quinn was really sick. Then the next day I was pretty sick. Jason also caught "something" that had him running to the toilet! Needless to say, I did not get to take as many pictures as I would have liked. But we had a fun time being with family and playing with cousins! We hope to make it a yearly tradition. Quinn and Jason
Uncle Zac holding Bailey
Gavin and Quinn playing in the hammock
Quinn hanging out on the playground
Jason, Emily and Quinn. This is the day we left and we all actually felt decent.
Posted by Emily at 11:46 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Joe's Jeans
OK, for a couple of months I have had a one track mind. Lose Weight. Lose Weight. Lose Weight. I needed to motivate myself, so I asked Jason if I lost the designated amount of poundage (happens to be 35 freakin' pounds) if he would buy me a pair of Joe's Jeans. When I got pregnant with Quinn I gained a whoppin' 60 pounds! (how is that even possible you ask?) First 12 weeks=no exercise because I was considered high risk. Week 15= Appendix out. Week 24=PUPPP. (if you don't know what that is, google it. It is a ridiculously painful rash that I was lucky enough to get) Week 36=Bed rest. I did manage to lose 50 of the 60 pounds before getting pregnant with our sweet Jessica. I gained 25 with her. Which brings us to the 35 pounds that I needed to lose!!! I have picked out a few pair of jeans that have kept me motivated and on my way! However, I am stuck. I have 7 more pounds to go before Jason slaps that credit card down for a new pair of Joe's Jeans. I have had 7 pounds to go for about 2 weeks now. I only have until July 25 or all bets are off! Can you help me?!? Look how cute these jeans are! Anyone, please, help me lose 7 pounds by July 25!!
Posted by Emily at 4:42 PM 10 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Highlights from Our Week
First off, Quinn's little fingers are doing so much better. There are just 2 tiny scabs that should be gone in a few days. He seems to be back to normal with them...grabbing things, eating, hitting, you know all the stuff that boys do!
Makes me sick to even look at the slimy, slithery sucker now!
Since we were at my mom's house I had no clue what to do. Jason called 911 and they connected him to the Fire Department. The Fire Department came out and removed our uninvited guest, just in the knick of time! They put the snake in a bucket and then take it to the nearest wash and release them. (I would have been OK if they killed him) Yuck!!
Mr. Joe Fireman taking our rattlesnake away!
Here is a photo of all the girls at the swim/BBQ. We were playing around with the cameras and trying to get some good cleavage shots.....but unfortunately boys, this is the only picture that my camera took.

One night this week, Jason, Quinn and I all went to eat at a Deli at the Mesa Riverview. As we were coming out of the Deli, Quinn spotted some "water fun" that he went charging towards. I figured I would let him play around for a little bit, but quickly realized he was getting soaked. So we stripped down and let him play around until his diaper was so full and heavy of water, that even passerbys were making comments. Quinn loved playing in the water and we could have kept him there all night!!
Posted by Emily at 8:39 PM 7 comments