The whole Scanlan crew went up to Show Low for the weekend. We stayed in Jason's boss' cabin. The place is out of site! This is our 2nd trip staying at the cabin and it is like staying at a 4 star resort. It is equipped with 5 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, theatre room, game room, playground, fire pit, trampoline, hot tub, hammock, quads, razors, and tons of fun! Unfortunately, the first night we were there Quinn was really sick. Then the next day I was pretty sick. Jason also caught "something" that had him running to the toilet! Needless to say, I did not get to take as many pictures as I would have liked. But we had a fun time being with family and playing with cousins! We hope to make it a yearly tradition. Quinn and Jason
Uncle Zac holding Bailey
Gavin and Quinn playing in the hammock
Quinn hanging out on the playground
Jason, Emily and Quinn. This is the day we left and we all actually felt decent.
Lucky! In a few weeks, we are going to Paul's family cabin. It is far from a five star hotel. The only amenity is the cold shower. :)
Looks like fun! It took me a sec to realize that he was sitting on a statue in the first pic! At first glance I thought Jason had tamed a doe for little Quinn to ride on. What a mountain man! he he
Don't you just love it there!! I want to plan something soon with some friends. Sorry to hear you were sick. I meant to comment on the Joe's Jeans post. I would get the Capris because you can wear them in the winter and summer. Thats all. I hope you make your goal!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I Love the last photo where it looks like Quinn is trying to get away. Ahh...I love how the camera captures them in the moment.
Hey Emily--it's been too long! I've been out of the blog world. Love the stories and the pictures. Your hair looks so long and you look SO thin! Miss you!
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