This is a picture of the Williams. My dad is 35 in this age now

So today is my dad's 65th Birthday! I don't normally do whole posts or shout outs on peoples birthdays, but I think 65 is a huge milestone. Robert J. Williams, Jr was born this day 65 years ago! He has also been known as:
Bumpa Bob
Tight Wad
Man with many files (this guy is so oraganized, he has a file for everything)
Cheapskate (My dad always bought me a "kid" ski pass, even when I was 16)
Baja Bob
Master Griller
Husband to Queen Bee
and most recently- Hamburger Face
And now I am going to let you in on some good stuff:
1. During long drives to Utah on family trips, my dad would help pass the time with us kids by letting us talk on his CB radio. We thought we were so cool talking to truckers! His handle was tennis elbow. (I think) He would also stick licorice up his nose so all us kids would go "SICK DAD!" Oh, he loved it!
2. I played a lot of soccer growing up and my dad always took me! We would have to get up sometimes extremely early in the morning and drive long distances....but he did it! Always!
3. My dad used to catch me ditching Sunday School with my friends. He never got upset. He just told us to get back inside....and then would never check if we actually did. As a teenager, this was fabulous!
4. My dad loves the movies. When I was 11 or 12 he took me to go see "Chucky". (its a horror film of a murdering talking doll named Chucky.) We still talk of that night. "Hi I'm Chucky, wanna play??"
5. My dad loves sports. I have such great memories of going to basketball and baseball games with him growing up. He is taking me to a Suns game next month! Can't wait!! (recently he has become addicted to NASCAR! What the???)
6. My dad is the nickname king. Meaning, if he knows you, he has a nickname for you.
I could go on and on, but the kids are a callin'!! So Dad, if you read this, Happy Birthday! and you are right, 65 is not old! I love you and am proud to call you my dad. I am impressed with all you have accomplished career wise and personally. I thank you for sacrificing for us kids. Thanks for always providing for us and supporting us in our endeavors.
what a great post, em. dads are awesome.
Oooo! I need to meet your dad - I want a nickname!!!
Happy Birthday Bobby! Great post, Ems. I loved the list of nicknames, I was trying to think if I could come up with any that you had left out. I can't think of any names that he calls me. (not to my face anyway.) You should do a post with just lists of the names he has come up with and who they refer to. Brown Berry boy...
Oh Em, this is the best picture I have ever seen! EVEH! Ben is the best and "The Baby Guy" is so little. I can't stop laughing. I am so much happier since this post!
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