Everyday I try to get me and the kids out of the house at least once. Sometimes this is a monumental task, and others it is a piece of cake. I have come to depend very much on my "schedule". I depend on those little babies sleeping until at least 7:30. Quinn is more dependable than Lucy, which seems fair since she is only 5 months old. Today that little princess slept until 9:30! (a new record!) I get up at about 6 am everyday and "relieve" my breastfeeding boobies. (ahhhhhh!) Then try to exercise and shower before any of the kids are up. If I am able to accomplish that, the chances of us getting anywhere outside the house before Quinn's nap, is great! If one of the kids wakes up before 7:30, my whole day is thrown off. So everyday I rack my brain of what we can do besides the monotonous errands of life. Sometimes it is as simple as going to Grammies for a swim. Sometimes it is going to McDonalds so Quinn can play on the Playland. I have also been known to take the kids to splashpads, Bounce U, the park, the pool and just a walk around the neighborhood. Last summer we frequented the indoor playground at the Superstition Springs mall. So all you moms out there---what do you do with your kids?

So happy you updated! I was complaining to your mom that not enough pics of your adorable baby. I mean, all you do is take pictures of her all day in her cute outfits, right? would love to see you!
That was paige. Celia was logged in my computer
Um, you call me over to go and do our morning walk and Target run! I miss you!!! Did you text me the other day? I'll try calling you this week ;) TTYL!
Hi Em. Great post. Z is 11 months and I try to do the same thing. We live near a park, so we walk there a lot. We also go to our library a ton since their kid section is basically an amusement park.
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