Thursday, July 16, 2009

See! See!

Quinn has finally discovered what a camera is and what it does, exactly. So now everytime I take a picture, he says "See! See!" Then pretty much rips the camera out of my hand so that he can see the picture that has just been snapped. He had me take a bunch of pictures of him making some face so he could see! see! them. Here are a few:


Lesley said...

I love the last one! Maci does the same thing with the camera. What would they have done in the good ole days of 35mm film? Ha!

Anne said...

love all the pictures in your newest posts---especially the one of quinn and lucy together. the face on that girl is too much! i think you are getting here the day we are leaving---what a bummer!

B, C and b said...

HA! Brighton has started doing that too! Except he keeps saying, "See Brighton, See Brighton!

Awww...we miss you guys! I'll trying calling you today or this week sometime.

Chat soon!

Shelbi Whittaker said...

your kids are so cute!!

Leigh said...

What a good little poser! Mine run away every time they see a camera.