Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Lucy is Eating Solids and Doing a Million Other Things
Posted by Emily at 2:46 PM 6 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
See! See!
Quinn has finally discovered what a camera is and what it does, exactly. So now everytime I take a picture, he says "See! See!" Then pretty much rips the camera out of my hand so that he can see the picture that has just been snapped. He had me take a bunch of pictures of him making some face so he could see! see! them. Here are a few:
Posted by Emily at 1:42 PM 5 comments
I came out of the grocery store the other day to see this:
I had one of those moments where you have to stop and appreciate what is before you. It was spectacular! The picture doesn't even do it justice.
Posted by Emily at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Update to Come....
So I finally had about 30 minutes that I could dedicate to really update this ol' blog of mine. I started to try and upload some pictures and Blogger said there was an internal problem, try again later. Hmmmmph! So all blog updates are currently put on hold until later! Later meaning whenever I can get 30 or 40 minutes of uninterrupted time again!
Posted by Emily at 3:18 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Posted by Emily at 4:41 PM 4 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
It's been a month since I last posted and I can hardly believe it! I guess lots has been going on. I have been naughty. And speaking of naughty, I have a naughty son. Overall, he is good natured and very joyful, he just does not like to be disciplined. But I am reminded on a daily basis how much joy he brings into my life. He took me through a tough time and he will never know how much that buck tooth smile meant to me!! These days he is the dancing/music/singing man! At church the other day the choir got up to sing and he grabbed a hymn book, opened it up and walked into the aisle where all could see as he started singing! It was so cute! He will walk up to his sister and put his hand out like he is going to hit her and say "no, no", then quickly leans down and gives her a kiss. He loves to be tickled and will even fake laugh so you will tickle him some more. (maybe he is just dying for some attention!) Whenever we get in the car he says "song, song, song" and he LOVES the songs with drums at the beginning or guitar solos. He plays both as you can see in my previous post. Quinn isn't eating a lot these days and sometimes I will just leave is plate out so he can graze. But when he is done you know it. He takes his sippy cup, plate, and utensils...throws them in the sink and then claps his hands. It makes me smile everytime. He is growing up so fast and I want to remember that yes, Quinn was a happy and joyful child despite any disobedience to authority!
Posted by Emily at 3:38 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Our Music Man
A couple of weekends ago, Jason and I took Quinn out with us on our date night. We went to Tempe Marketplace and had dinner and then let Quinn play in the water on the splash pad. But as we were wandering through the shops, there were several bands, DJ's, and singers outside performing. Quinn has always loved music and will dance as soon as he hears any. But it was so cute to me that when he saw this particular band, he started playing the air guitar and then started playing the drums. He walked right up to the band, about as close as he could get without actually being on stage with them, so that he could play his air instruments and dance!
The below pics are all of Quinn enjoying his time on the splash pad!
Posted by Emily at 2:08 PM 5 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mom, we just wanted you to know how special you are and how much we love you. We love all of the things that you do for us and how patient and loving you are, especially when Quinn is screaming at the top of his lungs at a pitch that can break glass and Lucy is too because of her poor gas pains. We want you to know that we appreciate your loss of sleep and free time to take care of us and the messes that you constantly clean up that we leave behind. We love the way that you hold us and tell us that you love us. We love to play with you and love the way you make us laugh. We think that you are the best mom in the whole wide world and feel lucky to be your kids. Happy Mothers Day!!
Posted by Emily at 6:32 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

We've come a LONG way babe! It has been 5 years since these 2 hotties got married! Happy Anniversary Jason! I love you!!!
Posted by Emily at 1:17 PM 14 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Daddy Daughter Date
On April 13 my dad took me on a date to the Sun's game. I can't think of a better date. (hint hint babe) I have always had a special place in my heart for basketball. For those that know my brothers, they both played basketball all growing up and I attended a lot of their games. Ben and Rob both played at the college level and I always made it a point to be the loudest cheerleader for each. I have watched many a game and have come to love the sport. I LOVE to watch professional games. I have always had a huge crush on David Robinson (San Antonio Spurs), and after he retired I needed a new man to watch on the court. After years of searching, Amare Stoudemire was the clear standout. He was here locally (Phoenix Suns) so I could see him all the time on TV and he was soooooo fun to watch! (and those biceps aren't too hard on the eyes either) So I have had this crush on Amare for a couple of years so you can imagine my disappointment when he had to have eye surgery and would be out for this game and the rest of the season. ( I had secret hopes that he would still be at the game, just not dressed) But no such luck! It had been over 2 years since my last Suns game and I was sad he was not there. But here are a few of the Suns that I did see! (Did I mention that our seats were first row of the not padded seats and right next to the tunnel where the Suns come running out?!) It was awesome! I felt like a little girl waiting for the Beatles to come on stage or something. I kept looking at my dad to see if I was embaressing him, but he took it all in stride. Most of the pictures are blurry because these guys are always in motion and I do not have a killer camera!
Posted by Emily at 2:30 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Carvers Came for a Visit
Shannon, my sister, and her family made the long drive from Northern California to come see us, mom and dad, and be here for Lucy's blessing. It was so great having them here. Shannon has 3 boys and the younger 2 would play with and entertain Quinn! And he loved it! It was so fun to have them come out because the last few times my sister has come out I have either been on bedrest, in the hospital or recovering from a C Section. I couldn't do a dang thing! So finally when she came we could actually hang out together and do some things! I didn't take a ton of photos, but here are a few:
Me and Shannon, and yes, my boobs are real....real huge that is!! I like to call myself the Dairy Queen!
Posted by Emily at 3:24 PM 3 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Blessed Day
Grandma and Grammie doting on Lucy!
Posted by Emily at 7:15 PM 5 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Easter Egg Hunt
The annual Easter Egg Hunt was another success at Grandma and Grandpa Scanlans! Even though it rained and the 'hunt" was indoors, none of the kiddos seem to have minded. Quinn had a blast and I thoroughly enjoyed the delicious breakfast that was served. So good that I didn't eat lunch that day.
These were all the grandkids that participated....we were missing Bailey, Ellie, Lucy, Julien, Lauren and Maude!!
Posted by Emily at 9:09 PM 0 comments