Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Baby Update

Today I had another check up with the doc. So far so good. He and I had a discussion about the approaching 25 week mark and how that is a little nervewracking. I am scheduled to have another ultra sound next week. Then he said I should be OK for only 2 more ultra sounds after that. I do have good feelings about this pregnancy and about the baby but I can't help feel a little worried and anxious. It was so great this morning when he put the doppler on my tummy and right away I could hear a strong heartbeat. No matter how many professionals tell you it is going to be OK, you still worry. I still live the nightmare everyday.


Angi said...

I am so glad things are going well. I remember feeling that same way after we lost our little triplet. I was constantly worried that we would go for an ultrasound and there would be another little still heart. I don't think there is any way not to be worried after what you have been through. Miss you

Leigh said...

That is great news Emily. Oh how I miss Dr Seal. (yeah right!) Bring little Quinn over the next time you have a Dr.'s appt. Swayze needs a little buddy over to cheer her up this week!

cait said...

i have a pitt in my stomach just thinking about what it must be like...i am so nervous for that. Remember- you are my inspiration! You are so strong! I am so glad that your check-up went well! Everything is going to be great...I just know it.