Thursday, September 4, 2008

What We've Been Up To

We have been busy having fun and working! Quinn is getting bigger and smarter and more "boy" everyday! One of his favorite pastimes is to get on top of any table and clap his hands. See below: This is over at Aunt Anna's house. (sorry about the table, Anna!)

We went out to dinner with Grammie and Papa at Delux burger in Phoenix. MMMMMM! Unfortunately, the only picture I got was of Quinn playing with the shopping cart that the fries come in.We celebrated Grandma and Grandpa Scanlan's birthdays on Labor Day. We went over to Aunt Anna's and had some grub and dessert. Then we opened presents! Quinn had a great time with his cousins and the highlight for me was talking and seeing, via Apple Computer, Jason's only sister that doesn't live in AZ. Rachel and her family sung happy birthday with us and chatted for a while. It was cool!Grandma and Grandpa opening presents, with a little help from Isabella. (aren't they all beautiful and tan....they had just gotten back from Hawaii!!)

I have been busy making invitations and planning our Enrichment Opening Social. It sort of fell into my lap because the Enrichment Leader is adopting a child and the baby decided to come early! The Enrichment Leader had to hurry out to Utah (was there for the delivery) and must stay for 2 weeks before she can leave the state with the new baby. I made these invitations myself. Too many man hours to count!! Lots of cutting and gluing.

We took Quinn to a waterpark in Tempe. He enjoyed it, but we thought he would go crazy with delight. Seems he still likes to play on stairs and pick up trash off the ground better. Jason bought us shaved ice as a treat and he ate that up! Me and Quinn, chilling at the waterpark

I had a doctor's appointment last week to check on the baby, and all is well. It was a relief to hear the heartbeat and know the baby was OK thus far. I am still thinking it is a boy.....


Jen said...

Em- Quinn gets cuter all the time!! And he is getting so big! The enrichment invites look great, so talented. We need to get the fam's together sometime soon it has been way too long since we have seen each other. I bet Gav and Quinn would have fun playing together (well I am sure Corbin would love playing with Quinn too!).

Rookie Dad said...

You have an adorable family. It is so fun to see what you guys are up to. Congratulations on your announcement! Rich and Jaime Benson

Angi said...

I was wondering what you guys have been up to! So glad to hear all is well, especially with little Q and the new little one. Miss you guys!

Leigh said...

Um, hello! You can't even tell a baby's even in there! I need to take my kids to that little waterpark, too. It's always better when it's free!

Anonymous said...

Okay what the crap?! I didn't even know that AZ had waterparks! We could have been going this entire time. Grrr. Well, just something to look forward to when we get back! And I am going to check out that burger place when we are down there for the Winter. Yum.